White Shamans and Plastic Medicine Men

Terry Macy and Daniel Hart

This award-winning documentary deals with the popularization and commercialization of Native American spiritual traditions by Non-Indians. Important questions are asked of those seeking to commercially exploit Tribal rituals and sacred ceremonies...and those vested with safeguarding sacred ways. The film represents a wide range of voices from Native communities, and speaks to issues of cultural appropriation with humor, righteous anger, and thoughtful insight.

"They say, 'I was an Indian in a former life.' - Well...you're white now!"

Charlie Hill, Native Comedian

Running time: 30:00

Available on DVD and VHS.
Home use: 39.95
Educational Use: 99.95

Ordering information

Screenings and Awards

Chosen "Best of the 1st 30 years", National American Indian Film Festival

Sundance Film Festival

Margaret Mead National Touring Festival

Vienna Film Festival

Taos Talking Picture Festival