Terry Macy and Daniel Hart
This award-winning documentary deals with the popularization and commercialization of Native American spiritual traditions by Non-Indians. Important questions are asked of those seeking to commercially exploit Tribal rituals and sacred ceremonies...and those vested with safeguarding sacred ways. The film represents a wide range of voices from Native communities, and speaks to issues of cultural appropriation with humor, righteous anger, and thoughtful insight.
"They say, 'I was an Indian in a former life.' - Well...you're white now!"
Charlie Hill, Native Comedian
Running time: 30:00
Available on DVD and VHS.
Home use: 39.95
Educational Use: 99.95
Chosen "Best of the 1st 30 years", National American Indian Film Festival
Sundance Film Festival
Margaret Mead National Touring Festival
Vienna Film Festival
Taos Talking Picture Festival