Native Voices
This powerful documentary looks at racism against Native Americans in three stories - through the eyes of an Indian teacher, a Native police officer, and a Native/white couple. Produced by a group of eight Native Voices filmmakers, "Without Reservations" is a film that asks many questions regarding racism. Is covert and ignorant stereotyping less racist than overt racism? And how is an entire culture degraded through the casual use of racist imagery? How are Native children hurt by the racist history taught in U.S. schools?
The film addresses these questions of racism between whites and Indians in a bold manner and an upbeat tone. This documentary is great for classroom discussions.
Running time: 28:00
Available on DVD and VHS.
Home use: 39.95
Educational Use: 99.95
Taos Talking Picture Festival
Smithsonian Institution
National Indian Education Association
Best Documentary at the Montana Film and Video Festival
American Indian Film Festival